digital marketing

Steven Santarpia Discusses Artificial Intelligence for Digital Marketing

steven santarpia consulting AI marketing

Steven Santarpia Consulting on Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence — An Effective Technology to Optimize Digital Marketing

Steven Santarpia Consulting is one of the finest digital marketing agencies that aspires to inculcate the effectiveness of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to gain optimal results. Let’s explore the mediums through which Artificial Intelligence can turn out to be effective for digital marketing.

Digital marketing is the new frontier to invade if you want your business to grab maximum attention through online platforms. But conventional digital marketing techniques will not make the cut, as the technology will become more innovative and advanced. This is where Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be utilized to optimize digital marketing.

Artificial Intelligence — A Sneak Peek

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the use of machine learning mechanism to train machines to mimic human actions. Machines are trained against various pre-defined inputs and outputs to enable them to make decisions by themselves. This technology is the future of technology.

Speech recognition is one of the most common application of Artificial Intelligence in the modern time. But these applications are not merely confined here. This stunning technology can also be leveraged to optimize digital marketing.

Why Conventional Marketing Techniques Are Becoming Less Effective?

Although digital marketing is not a very old mechanism, but still this rapid advancement is shifting the trends towards Artificial Intelligence and smart decision-making ability of machines. Human resources are getting replaced by machines with time. These factors make conventional digital marketing techniques less effective compared to AI powered techniques:

Competition is Fierce

Customers have become smart, so have businesses. The shift of buying patterns to online platforms has brought a revolutionary competitive environment for the businesses. Marketing channels have given a golden opportunity to even new businesses to grow. In such a saturated market, only those businesses excel that go for smart decision-making techniques. And this smartness can only be assured using Artificial Intelligence. Businesses with conventional marketing approaches are always left behind.

Conventional Approaches are Prone to Failure

How can you compete with a business that has all the state-of-the-art tools and techniques to grab the attention of masses? Surely your business won’t stand a chance. Conventional approaches are not effective enough and pose a high risk of failure. You may have the best products and services to offer, but adopting conventional techniques to promote them can end up in a massive loss.

There’s Always Risk of Losing Customers

Customer retention is the key towards developing a solid brand image. You can grab customers from conventional marketing techniques, but how can you assure that these customers won’t find a better option than your business. Modern digital marketing techniques offer maximum visibility to the customers. Your business may end up nowhere in the branding and promotion. Why risk your business with such a factor when you can acquire the best results using Artificial Intelligence?

Customer Outreach is Limited

Your products and services need a massive coverage, whether it is a local business or a global one. Conventional marketing strategies cannot provide you with the outreach towards a massive audience in any manner. Defining the right audience to target, choosing the right marketing channels, and implementing the strategy in accordance with the plan require a robust approach. Conventional marketing lacks this robustness and fails to provide you with a competitive edge over your competitors.

The Margin for Success is Limited

How long can a business survive on worn out marketing techniques? Surely not long enough. This is where the need comes for a modern and cutting-edge technologies like Artificial intelligence. Conventional methods can drive in some results in the beginning but sustaining such a fierce competition seems impossible in such cases.

How Artificial Intelligence Can Create the Difference?

It’s time to say goodbye to the old marketing techniques and introduce an innovative approach through Artificial Intelligence. The benefits of leveraging AI are endless. Here is a quick look at the key aspects that make AI the future of digital marketing:

Artificial Intelligence Optimizes Targeted Marketing

Every business has a specific target audience. You cannot promote your products and services to every individual. This is where can set you apart from other competitors in the market. AI not only enables businesses in efficiently identifying their prospective customers but also provides them with in-depth analytics through which smart decisions can be made.

If you are running a local business and are planning to expand your influence on global grounds, then there is a sure need for bringing an innovative approach in digital marketing. Artificial Intelligence can be utilized effectively to automate your promotional tasks for better results. You may never know where an opportunity to grow exists. But having a marketing system powered by AI can explore such opportunities for you.

Artificial Intelligence Predicts Buying Patterns with Accuracy 

Which prospective buyers can turn out to be loyal customers? Which areas must be targeted for better output? Which products or services do your customers prefer? All such aspects are an integral part of business strategy. Using human power to find answers to such questions can leave some loopholes. Using Artificial Intelligence instead of human resources can prove to be quite beneficial.

AI powered marketing mechanisms can save businesses a lot of time and money by predicting buying patterns of customers correctly. Investing time and revenue on the audience that is not your loyal customer is surely a massive loss.

Fluctuating Market Trends Won’t Adversely Affect Your Business

Modern businesses rely on human minds. All the decisions are taken by humans, whether related to customers or promotion. Fluctuating market trends can cause a lot of financial turbulence to businesses. Artificial Intelligence remains ahead of other technologies in this regard that businesses can take smart decisions to cope with the changing market trends.

Your competitors may be struggling to remain in the competition due to conventional technologies, whereas you acquire optimal performance due to the use of state-of-the-art strategy and industry-standard technologies.

Your Business Visibility Will Improve

Modern day businesses strive hard to improve their SEO rankings on search engines and other social media platforms. Better SEO leads to more visibility to the prospective customers. Where other businesses are striving for SEO, those businesses that are bringing innovative changes to their digital marketing strategies can get ahead of the competitors in the long run.

Imagine your products featuring on top of search engines and your prospective customers getting maximum visibility of your business. These parameters surely indicate a massive growth in business.

Previous Data Is Always Available to Train Machines

Your business history and the previous buying patterns of your customers can prove to be a resourceful for future predictions. This data can be utilized to generate analytics to further facilitate smart decision-making. Businesses cannot all aspects at once. A robust technology like Artificial Intelligence provides customers with a holistic view. Grabbing the attention of target audience, customer retention, and other such business aspects can be efficiently managed using high-performing automation of Artificial Intelligence.

Are There Any Limitations of Artificial Intelligence?

Every technology comes with its own set of limitations. Where there are benefits to gain, there are also drawbacks that must be compensated by businesses. But luckily, AI comes with very limited drawbacks. This technology is quite flexible in nature and the ability to grow massively with time. Here are a few limitations that AI can bring forward:

AI Is an Immature Technology

Although AI has endless benefits to offer, but still this technology is in its initial stages when it comes to deployment. All the sectors including digital marketing are not fully functioning on this technology at the moment. Those businesses that are planning to automate their digital marketing mechanism with AI need a high level of expertise to manage such an advanced technology.

AI Can Turn Out to Be Costly

Everything comes at some cost. Artificial Intelligence is getting more advanced with each passing day. It can cost companies a lot to incorporate AI into their digital marketing procedures. From hiring AI experts to maintenance costs, everything can cause a spike in expenditures. But this limitation also gets compensated with the uncountable benefits that these same AI systems can bring to your company. If managed efficiently, you can develop a strong customer base locally as well as globally.

Looking for a Reliable and Tech-Savvy Digital Marketing Agency?

Steven Santarpia Consulting is Your Go-To Partner

Steven Santarpia Consulting is well-equipped with the knowledge of digital market and the modern technologies that bring resourceful innovations to it. We not only understand the technology but also possess the skill set to utilize this technology in making digital marketing more productive for businesses around the globe.

We provide assistance to local as well as international businesses offering a diverse range of digital marketing services. Our skill set covers all industries and business backgrounds across the globe.

Business Growth. Leads Generation. Customer Retention.

All Under One Shell

Steven Santarpia Consulting holds a stunning portfolio of successful businesses from diverse industries. Whether it is a corporate firm or a real estate business that wants to grow, our critical thinking and effective marketing channels always bear fruitful results.

Become a part of Steven Santarpia Consulting and leverage the features of modern technologies like AI to excel in the market.



Steven Santarpia

Steven Santarpia is my name. I am president of Steven Santarpia Consulting. Steven Santarpia Consulting is a digital marketing firm located on Long Island, New York. The agency helps businesses find new clients with the use of online marketing. Our business is located in Greenlawn, New York and has been in business since 2016. We offer our digital marketing services to small to mid-sized businesses. We take great pride in our work product and our excellent customer service.

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